If you agree with us …….

This web page has been visited, and read by many – but we now need you to join our organisation too. Whilst we run the organisation on a very thin shoestring, it does cost money to maintain our presence and effectiveness throughout the year.

Whilst it is preferable that you are a member of the Liberal Democrats, if you are not a member of another party and agree to our values, then you can join Liberal Democrats for Seekers of Sanctuary. Why not consider joining us?

You can look through older items on our website to see more about what we do, and what we are campaigning on. It is only £10 a year, and £5 for unwaged people. We have kept the subscription low to enable more people to join us, please do.

Below are the reasons why we exist. Please take time to have a look. Get in touch if you have any queries at admin@ld4sos.org.uk

WE BELIEVE in standing up for those who seek sanctuary in our country. Asylum seekers should be treated with compassion, humanity and dignity.

WE ARE CONCERNED ABOUT the way the present system works with unfair deportations & removals; dawn raids; detention centre atrocities; returns to unsafe countries; unlimited detention; insecure asylum housing, and lack of support for failed asylum seekers who cannot return to their own countries.

WE AIM TO co-ordinate work already being done; share ideas and experiences; be a point of reference for decision makers, and work to formulate new policy.

OUR VALUES are embedded in the preamble to the Liberal Democrat Constitution.

WE SAY the party and the country’s policies, and how they are carried out, should reflect this.

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