We had an active presence at conference and made quite an impact.

The manifesto debate had lots of people wanting to speak so we went for a one minute intervention. The simple words said are at and you can see the video – 4 min 30 seconds in. Amazing what you can get into 40 seconds!

During Nick Clegg’s Q and A session, one of our members, Hannah Bettsworth, was able to ask a question about ending detention. starting 17.45 minutes in. Then there is the issue of Azure cards, followed by Campsfield 21.32 minutes in.

Our fringe meeting was a joint one with Ethnic Minority Liberal Democrats. The theme was on busting the myths around asylum. We had two excellent speakers who left people in do doubt as to what the facts were.

Ewan Roberts, Centre Manger from Asylum Link Merseyside (ALM), which provides friendship, health and support, spoke about the situation as it was on the ground, and the amazing work his organisation did to support those seeking sanctuary. They have thousands who have no support and 175 people a day, who have 100 different languages between them, using the centre. his presentation is here.Roadshow Opening Short Sep 2014

Durani Rapozo, the Complex Needs Coordinator there spoke passionately about his journey, starting with the tragic circumstances why he had to flee from Zimbabwe, and how he was followed by spies. He had a long wait for a decision, and told us how he had to walk 4 miles to use his food vouchers, and how much he valued support given by local organisations. But since being granted status has gained qualifications up to a PhD and does vital work in teaching and social work. His wife has now been able to join him, and she is a manager in Social Services. His presentation is here Duran Lib Dem Conference 14.03.2015

Suzanne Fletcher spoke on asylum issues including what detention for immigration purposes was about, the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) report, our policy, and signing up to the Citizens UK ask.

85 people were at the meeting, there were good questions, and a number came to the stall afterwards, and we hope there is a better understanding all round about the issues. There will be a fuller write up for the Liberal International British Group in a few weeks’ time.

On Sunday morning there was a topical debate on the agenda, put in by Jack Davies, on “women and detention”. We didn’t have much time to prepare, but here is the u tube of the debate. It is backwards way round. Janet King spoke first, standing in with no notice for the mover, then Suzanne Fletcher, then Julian Huppert.…

Saturday morning began with the Liberal Democrat Christian Fellowship gathering. A presentation by Open Doors was a timely reminder of why people are so desperate and flee from their homes in places such as Syria. Our President, Lord Roger Roberts gave the epilogue and mentioned the work LD4SOS is doing, particularly around detention.

So we did manage to get our issues well and truly spoken about, and hopefully information given and interest raised. We are grateful to Ethnic Minority Liberal Democrats who we were able to work with on the stall and the fringe. Not only did it mean that our stall was covered all the time, but it was good to have the cooperation, share with them, as well as learn from their experience.

Our thanks to everyone who worked hard and helped in any way.