All Party report calls for overhaul of shocking immigration detention system

Liberal Democrats for Seekers of Sanctuary strongly welcome the report of the Inquiry into the Use of Immigration Detention in the UK by the All Party Parliamentary Group.

We are delighted that not only does it recommend a time limit on detention, which we have long called for, but also the report makes clear the need for a change in culture in how our country deals with those seeking sanctuary with us. The report shows clearly that the UK is not only out of step with the rest of Europe, but with civilised countries throughout the world. There are clear and workable alternative ways that need to be developed. Some will need a change in legislation, some will only come about by a determination of the next Government to have a much better overall strategy, but a lot of the necessary change can begin tomorrow with the Home Office properly implementing existing guidelines.

We believe that those seeking sanctuary with us have every right to be treated with compassion, dignity, respect and with justice. The report, if the recommendations are implemented by both this and the next Government, will deliver just that.

All in the report is possible, as not only does such detention waste lives and be so demeaning to people who are not even detained because they are criminals, but costs an enormous amount too. Implementing it should save money, and not add to costs.

This year we are celebrating 800 years of Magna Carta and one of just 3 clauses from that document, which remains in English law today, states that no free man may be imprisoned without a trial or the judgement of his peers. Implementing this report is the opportunity to make the celebration worthwhile.