READY FOR ACTION, and GO AWAY “Go Home” vans.

Lord Roger Roberts of Llandudno was made our first President at the Inaugural General Meeting of Liberal Democrats for Seekers of Sanctuary. The meeting at the Glasgow party conference was packed to hear Lord Tony Greaves speak on his experience of the dispersal of immigrants to the Lancashire area during the 1980s with all its problems and opportunities, Also of the injustices and lack of respect for immigrants and his suggestions for ways of improving a very flawed immigration system.

There was a good discussion of current issues, especially condemnation of the racist “Go Home” vans and posters.

In the elections to office, Sarah Teather MP, Fiona Hall MEP, and Councillor David Faulkner were made vice presidents. Suzanne Fletcher was elected as chair, and 10 others as Governing Council Officers. The constitution was approved, the bank account is set up – so we are all ready for action ! Whilst there is a lot of work ahead we are set to tackle it – till we are no longer needed.

LD4SOS Governing Council officers : Chair- Suzanne Fletcher; Minutes Secretary – Janet King; Treasurer -John Fletcher; Membership Officer – Josh Mason; Scottish Liaison Officer – Jacquie Bell; Philip Latham; Joye Rosenstiel; Gemma Stockford; Christine Brett; John Skipworth.