Motion to Winchester City Council Proposed by Cllr John Tippett-Cooper and seconded by Cllr Martin Tod
Winchester City Council is committed to welcoming asylum seekers and refugees to our District and including them in our activities. The people in our District have shown kindness and openness in recent months with huge support when donations for evacuees from Afghanistan was needed. We are also a District with a rich network of organsations providing support to the most vulnerable in our society. As a Council, we recognise the importance of reflecting this spirit of our community and core values of openness, kindness and respect for others. Winchester City Council also recognises asylum seekers and refugees potential contribution to our District, and also recognises that a co-ordinated and forward-looking approach is needed if the welfare of people moving into the town, and community cohesion between new and existing communities, are to be supported effectively.
To this end, we resolve to: