Visit LD4SOS at Stand 16 in the Exhibition Hall

York Barbican, Paragon Street, York YO10 4AH

Friday 17 March 16.30 – 18.15

Saturday 18 March 09.00 – 18.00

Sunday 19 March 09.00 – 12.00

  • Collect our latest information sheets
  • Sign up to receive our Newsletter and other information
  • Join us or renew your membership (Membership only £10 per year (unwaged £5). 

Whilst we are an Associated Organisation of the Party, we do not receive any central funding and rely on our membership fees and donations to pay for our presence at Conferences.

  • Treat yourself to an orange pen (£1 suggested donation)
  • Meet like-minded people

Of course all help on the stand is welcome.

Free WIFI is available within York Barbican – no password is required.

Network name: Barbican Free.

You will be asked for your email address. Click “Get online” (red box on the top left). Accept “Terms & Conditions”.

LD4SOS Conference Fringe:

Liberal Democrat Policy on Asylum and Immigration

19.45 Saturday 18th March 2023

In the Micklegate Room at the Hilton York Hotel, 1 Tower St York YO1 9WD

Chaired by LD4SOS Chair, John Skipworth

Alistair Carmichael MP Spokesperson for Home Affairs in conversation with LD4SOS Council member Dr. Ruvi Ziegler (Associate Professor in International Refugee Law, University of Reading) will discuss the future of Liberal Democrat policy about asylum seekers and immigration policy in general.

There will of course be opportunity for you to join in with the conversation

A Special General Meeting will follow the fringe.  This SGM is in lieu of the 2022 AGM which was not held due to the cancellation of the Autumn 2022 Federal Conference

AgendaPlease note the requirements for item 8.

  1. Welcome
  2. Resolution to amend the Constitution of LD4SOS

     The Council of LD4SOS have agreed that the following Resolution be put before members:

      “to accept a revised Constitution for LD4SOS in accordance with the Party’s new requirements for associated organisations.”

      To be proposed by John Skipworth, Chair and seconded by Jacqueline Bell, Vice Chair

      This Resolution requires a majority of LD4SOS members present and voting at the AGM to vote in favour.

      If you have any questions or comments about this Resolution please contact John Skipworth johnskipworth038@btinternet.com before the SGM so that we can make sure we have an informed discussion at the SGM.

      The 2023 Annual General Meeting will take place at the Autumn Federal Conference and will approve Standing Orders in line with the revised Constitution.

  • Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held virtually on 18th September 2021
  • Matters arising
  • Chair’s report from John Skipworth
  • Accounts for the year Jan –Dec 2021 and Treasurer’s Report
  • Appointment of Returning Officer
  • Election of 5 Officers and up to 7 Ordinary Members of Council to serve until 31st December 2023
  • Appointment of honorary President and vice Presidents
  •  Appointment of Independent Examiner

Requirements for item 8:
Anyone wishing to serve on the Council must be a paid-up member of LD4SOS and should complete a Nomination Form with a proposer and seconder. Please email Chris Brett on ld4sos5@gmail.com for a nomination form (and to check your membership status)

Completed nomination forms should be sent to the Secretary Tim Young timfcyoung@gmail.com  or handed in at the Exhibition Stand by 6p.m. on 18th March.  If the meeting agrees further nominations will be accepted at the meeting.