As you will all know at the very last hour on 14 June the flight to Rwanda was cancelled due to the intervention of the European Court of Human of Rights. By this stage the original flight list of 130 asylum seekers had been reduced to only 3. Those who were forced onto the plane shared their truly harrowing experiences about being threatened, kicked and pushed. The National Independent Commission on Enforced Removals (2012) set up by Citizens UK set up after the Jimmy Mbenga tragedy made recommendations to avoid this happening again and on how to treat people being deported with dignity and humanity. This is also Lib Dem policy since 2018. Sadly the current government is not interested in how asylum seekers are treated.
The fight goes on. Tomorrow (25 June) high profile celebrities, many with heritage from African countries in the Commonwealth, will urge Commonwealth leaders attending a meeting in Rwanda to take a stand against the UK Government’s policy to deport its asylum seekers to that country. The full story will be on Together with Refugees website in the morning and they will post news coverage on twitter. Do follow @RefugeeTogether to share the content. Also look out for the celebrities’ letter on their social media channels. Look for hasttag//CHOGM2022 to find and share their personal message about the Rwanda plan
Take Action: Stop Accommodation Centres!
Write to your MP about the proposals for Linton-on-Ouse and other, wholly unsuitable facilities using our template letter – it takes just a few minutes! If you prefer, you can download and adapt the letter as a document from Asylum Matters website, where they have also shared an FAQ on the developments.