This Guardian article, “Cruel, paranoid, failing: inside the Home Office” puts together and highlights the many ways in which the Home Office is a disgrace in what is supposed to be a civilised and democratic country.
The “cruel and paranoid” culture of the Home Office is not going to be able to be tweaked with a change of Minister, or even Government. It needs radical change, removing decision making from political control so it is done with justice and fairness for those seeking sanctuary in the UK.
Appeals should not be needed so much if decisions are right first time. The Home Office deals with them in such a cavalier way, losing around half of appeals on leave to remain, because it does not have to bear the cost, that is met by the Ministry of Justice.
It has long been Liberal Democrat policy to make the Home Office bear the costs of its own incompetence, hitting their budget may be the only way that they stop their disgraceful ways which dramatically change the lives of the vulnerable applicants.